DashSi is a multiplatform and open source web application for data analysis and interactive visualization providing charts, graphs, and alerts for the web when connected to supported data sources. End users can create complex dashboards using interactive query builders.

It is expandable through a plug-in system and divided into the front end and the back end, respectively written in TypeScript and Golang.

Dynamic dashboards: Defining all types of dashboards with dynamic widgets, MasterDetail and drilldown connections.
Widget writing: Ability to customize and define unlimited types of display widgets.
Presentation: Presenting widgets and dashboards as API and IFrame.
Warning: Ability to define various alert rules at the widget level using the communication channel to send notifications to ChatSi Messenger.
Monitoring: Viewing and analyzing various types of logs and metrics of system resources.
Data sources: Ability to connect to all types of relational, non-relational and online databases.
Authentication: Connecting to central authentication systems and support for Oauth2, SAML.